Project Overview

This website quizzes individuals on words/concepts we've been exposed to in the Code Partners 102 + 201 classes. Based on three project sprints that were part of 201, this covers five topic areas: functions, loops, objects, the DOM, and local storage. The hope is that this quiz helps prepare students for the final technical interview that occurs at the end of 201 and improves the likelihood that students are ready to undertake the 301 course.

Meet the Devs

Brittany Stubbs, Harold Wolfinger, Jalal Kasaat, Patrice Thomas, and Caleb Pase are graduating students from the inaugural Code Partners 201 cohort. They are each looking forward to the 301 course.

Quick Notes

(1) The questions are dynamically populated to the HTML using JavaScript code, specifically by an object constructor that houses an initial array (testBank), which is accessed and that then pushes to a second array (quizBank), based on which topics the individual checks off to be tested on.

(2) Local storage is utilized to keep a running tally of the correct and incorrect answers a user provides to whatever quiz they are taking. This score is then used to populate a bar chart on a separate Quiz Results page

(3) The website also includes a reset button so users can initiate clearing the local storage that's saved.